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Providing feedback for your designer is a crucial part of the process and ensures that your brand is exactly where you want it to be. Here are some do’s and don’ts to follow.


“I don’t like it”


“I love the typeface you have used, but I don’t feel like the layout represents my brand as well as it possibly could. I would love if we could try ……”

In order for your designer to make relevant changes, they need to know what you don’t like and why you don’t like it. Provide reasoning for every statement you make and suggest changes that you would like to see.

*Remember, we choose everything for a reason because it resonates with your target audience and other strategy, so the design is much more than your personal preference.


“I think it looks really uncreative and I’m really disappointed”


“I can see that you’ve put a lot of time and effort into this design and I am very appreciative of that. However, I think I had some different ideas in mind such as ….”

We are humans that have feelings too! A little kindness goes a long way and in fact, that second statement is much more constructive.

*In this situation, I would send over a few more examples of designs you like or amend your questionnaire. Usually, situations like this are a result of the client being unsure of what they want or not being clear enough.


“Can you please move this piece of text underneath and perhaps centre it and maybe also add a little line here”


“I’m really liking the direction so far! Are there perhaps some changes to the primary logo that we could make so that it appears a little more centrally aligned? I would maybe also like to see a little more detail if possible”

Dictating your changes to your designer isn’t the most constructive way to get your vision across. Remember that your designer is the expert and they know what works and what doesn’t, so listen to them and trust their decisions.

*You may feel the urge to draw the logo yourself or create it in an app like Canva and then send it over to us. Please don’t do this. Designers are hired for our ability to come up with creative solutions, not just to recreate the design that you have created that probably doesn’t follow a lot of design principles or follows the strategy of your brand.


“Can I see something more modern?”


“Could I possibly see a more modern design? I have sent over a few examples of what I mean by this. perhaps a thinner font and a simpler layout?”

What modern means to you might be something totally different to us. The same goes for any adjective that you use such as “bold” or “badass”. You need to tell us what you mean by this and send some visual examples so that we can understand what you mean and how to make the right changes.