- Delay (2+ Days) The project will be automatically cancelled and no refunds are given. The designer, at their desecration may choose to reinstate the project for a fee of $500.
In order to obtain ownership of the Shopify store you approved, the client will need to accept the staff invitation the designer sends you and follow the prompts to set up his/her account.
After the client accepts the staff invitation, the designer will need to manually transfer ownership to the client—which can take up to 5 business days from when the client accepts the invitation to set up his/her account. ONGOING WEBSITE SUPPORT Once the website is approved by the client and the project is launched on the web, any additional changes made to the website and/or website will require an On-Going Support Contract. The Client can elect to either enter an on-going support contract, or contract the Designer for one-time support sessions. All one-time support sessions and monthly support contracts must be paid in advance. The designer does not offer email website support at this time. ONGOING INVESTMENT Websites aren’t a set and forget marketing tool. They’re an ongoing investment that thrives with a bit of TLC. After this, there are a few things the client will need to to renew. The client has 2 options below to keep the website up-to-date and protected from website hacks in the future. (a) The client can buy licenses for premium plugins used on his/her site in order to keep those plugins up-to-date. The designer will provide the information to obtain a license after Website Launch upon request by the client. In addition, the client will be responsible for making updates to his/her own site in the future. (b) The client may elect to enter an on-going Website Care Plan Contract so the designer will perform updates and manage all plugin licenses on the client’s behalf. CONTACT The designer can be reached by appointment via telephone or Zoom. Client meetings can be scheduled by appointment. The client will receive up to (2) meetings included in his/her package. Emails will be answered within 3 business days during the work week. The designer will respond to emails sent over the weekend and nationally observed holidays within 3 business days of the following business day. Any correspondence after 5pm EST/EDT on business days will be considered received the following business day. PAYMENT SCHEDULE Before work begins, the client will pay his/her project fee. Full payment if required prior to work beginning on the project. ACCEPTED PAYMENTS The designer accepts all major credit/debit cards for payment (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express). Checks, cash or money orders will not be accepted. CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION Client authorizes Michelle Marin to charge the same credit card used to purchase the client’s package for any additional fees including: additional add-ons, additional revisions, and rush fees. ADDITIONAL FEES In the event that additional services/fees are added to the project. The client will be charged for additional fees including: add-ons, additional revisions, delay fees, or anything not included in the client’s package. Payment for additional fees are due in advance, prior to rendering any more work, and before the final product is delivered to the client. AUTO PAYMENTS In the event the client does not make full payment up front, the client agrees to allow the designer to set up auto payment using an automatic payment system tied to their establishment’s credit or debit card (30) days after the first initial payment. REFUND POLICY All sales are final. CHARGEBACK (a) In the event the client does a chargeback, client agrees to pay all fees related to the charge back including, but not limited to collection fees and fees charged by the payment processing company. (b) Client also agrees and understands that if a chargeback is made, they will be sent to collections to recoup all costs associated with the chargeback. NON-PAYMENT (a) After (30) calendar days of non-payment, this contract will automatically be cancelled. The full balance of the project is then due immediately. No refunds will be given. (b) After (60) calendar days of non-payment all remaining balances will be forwarded to collections. (c) If, after the project has commenced, any subsequent invoices are not paid within (30) calendar days, a 5 percent “delayed payment” fee will be charged. This initial 5 percent figure will be added upon each recurring (30) calendar day period until the full amount is received. (d) Client shall pay all collection or legal fees caused by delayed payments. (e) Payments will be credited to late payments first, then to unpaid balances. (f) Designer will withhold delivery and transfer of ownership of any current work if accounts are not current or overdue invoices are not paid in full. (g) All grants of any license to use or transfer ownership of any intellectual property rights under this Agreement are conditioned on full payment, including all outstanding Additional Costs, Expenses, Fees, or any other charges. CANCELLATIONS ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Should the client want to cancel the project there are no refunds. All service fees are due immediately upon cancellation regardless of what stage of the project is in or what has been completed. This holds true even if the client cancels after the project is completed and whether or not the end product is delivered to the client. The designer will retain any work completed. All content provided by the client will remain in the client’s ownership. The designer may cancel the contract at any time during the project if the designer doesn’t feel that the client is a good fit. WARRANTY, OWNERSHIP, & INDEMNIFICATION (a) Client guarantees that any elements (graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, or other artwork) provided for inclusion in the web design are either owned by client or that he/she has permission to use them. In addition, the client will hold harmless, protect, indemnify and defend the designer from any claim or suit arising from the use of such work. (b) The designer guarantees that the work produced is original or properly licensed for commercial use. Before payment clearing, the designer retains ownership of all artwork. (c) After full payment (including additional design options, additional changes, and delay fees) clearing for the project, full copyright is given to the client. (d) The designer reserves the right to display and link to the completed project as part of the designer’s portfolio and to write about the project on websites, in magazine articles, and books about graphic design upon receiving written consent from the client. TERMS & CONDITIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGEOnline terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. The terms and conditions in effect at the time of each new order or delivery shall be those on the website at the time of such order or delivery. NONDISCLOSURE The client agrees not to share any of the designer’s concepts, art, or work with outside designers or agencies unless you have purchased the artwork release from the designer. This includes, but is not limited to design concepts, sketches, proofs and design work. In addition, the designer will also keep the Client’s ideas, artwork or content confidential unless written consent has been granted by the Client to do so. FORCE MAJEURE Any delay in the performance by the designer is not be a breach of this Agreement if such delay arises out unforeseen events such as storm, flood, hurricane, strikes, work stoppages or slowdowns, sickness, death, epidemic or quarantine restrictions and/or unforeseen equipment failure. LEGAL STUFF If any provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. ARBITRATION CLAUSE Both parties do hereby agree to resolve, through binding arbitration, any dispute that arises among the parties from date of entering into the contract. ENTIRE AGREEMENT Just like a parking ticket, you can’t transfer this contract to anyone else without the designer’s permission. This contract stays in place and need not be renewed. If for some reason one part of this contract becomes invalid or unenforceable, the remaining parts of it remain in place. This contract is a legal document under exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Tampa, Florida in the United States of America.